
Support our efforts to end modern day slavery in Africa. We need your help.
Support women in need.To make a donation, please click on the button below and donate through our partner, Freedom For All.When you donate, please state in the message field that your donation is towards Survivors’ Network. 100% of your donation goes directly to our empowerment programs.
Every day, vulnerable women and girls are at risk of being exploited and trafficked for profit. Your donation can make a life-changing impact on survivors of human trafficking and modern-day slavery. By donating to Survivors Network Africa, you’re helping us provide critical resources such as temporary housing, vocational training, and other essential services that survivors need for successful reintegration into society. Join us in the fight against human trafficking and make a difference today. Your generosity can change a life forever. Thank you!

Ways to Donate

Via MTN Mobile Money / Orange Money

If you’re in Cameroon, you can also donate using MTN Mobile Money or Orange Money services. Click on the button below to make a donation.

Credit Card

You can make a donation using your credit card. Simply enter your credit card information on the donation form, and the amount you wish to donate will be charged to your card. Your donation will be processed securely.

Join Us

Survivors’ Network Africa relies on the support of people like you to continue our fight against human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and gender-based violence. There are many ways to get involved, from making a donation, volunteering your time, or spreading the word about our cause. Join us today and help us create a world where everyone can live in safety and security.